• A Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM) trading account allows an investor to allocate their funds to an experienced PAMM manager who trades on their behalf. Typically, the PAMM manager will manage pooled funds contributed by multiple investors to trade the financial markets, and any profits they generate will be distributed proportionally among investors.
• If you're a less experienced or beginner trader, this is the ideal solution to access the expertise of skilled traders while automating your trading activity. To benefit from a PAMM account manager, you just have to pay a small performance fee for the profits you receive. It's a win-win.
• Trading with a PAMM account offers investors a passive and potentially lucrative way to trade the financial markets. Traders that use a fund manager to handle their trades means they can benefit from the account manager's expertise, market knowledge, and strategic decision-making. This means that even if you lack trading experience or time, you can still gain exposure to financial markets through skilled professionals.