4XC Partnered Investment Academies

Santo Trader Investment School and Alpha FX Academy, are esteemed partners of 4XC, offering valuable expertise and education in the world of trading and investments.


Meet Oliver Augusto Moreno Spanghero, a professional trader who ventured into the financial markets in early 2018. Today, he is the driving force behind Santo Trader, an investment school specialising in day trading.

Over the years, Oliver Augusto Moreno Spanghero has played a pivotal role in sharing this knowledge and expertise with thousands of students.

His dedication to result-oriented methodologies and comprehensive education has led his students to reap significant benefits.

Tamas Horvath and the Alpha FX Academy

Meet Tamas Horvath, a professional trader with a background in economics and extensive experience in the banking industry.
He boasts a proven track record in finance and trading.

About Alpha FX Academy:
At Alpha FX Academy, you can delve into macroeconomics-based strategies and technical analysis, gaining practical trading skills that can be applied immediately in the real world.

Our mentoring program is designed to accelerate your learning curve and correct any detrimental trading habits, ultimately saving you valuable time and money. The practical trading methods taught in our courses are rooted in Tamas Horvath's 7+ years of experience.

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